.command paramters (option alparamters) (what the command does) User lever requiered
pasting() Lines from utopia
- .woltime (5.5)* (Displays current utopian date and time until next tick) (optional parameter will show your IRL time in, in this case 5.5, utopian days) Normal+
- .status (nick) (Returns your, with opitonal parameter nicks, active spell, armies out and last target) Normal+
- .strat (name/number)* (Returns your, with opitonal parameter named, active strategy) Normal+
- .sci books to allocate (If science goals are saved in correct syntax this will return how to distribute the books) Normal+
- .dpa acres (If dpa and def goals are saved in correct syntax this will return how many defence troops to train) Normal+
- .tpa acres (If tpa goals are saved in correct syntax this will return how many theifs to train) Normal+
- .train acres max population (If off, def, tpa and ratio goals are saved in correct syntax this will return how many troops of all types to train) Normal+
.web (Gives a link to the web page wich displays armies out and home and all provinces with info) Normal+ - .check nick/province (Returns province information) Normal+
- .find race/personality (Find and lists matches) Normal+
- .slap race/personality (Higlights matches nicks) Coordinators+
- .temp nick (Temporary you will appere as nick for 10 seconds and all things you do will be registered in nicks name to bot) Normal+
* = Number from .strat in the end of first line strat #
** = Utopian Days/IRL hours
*** = Additional SoMs lowers numbers of possible values. SoMs are randomised by integer percentages (i.e. 120%, 90%, but never 120.402%). By comparing numbers from two or more SoMs, we can sometimes ascertain the accurate in-game value.
- .tick (on/off) (Returns if utopia date tick is on/off in channel) (optional parameter will utrn tick on/off) Admins+
- .exportline on/off (Turn formatting exporlines on/off, when on it generates one lined clickable exportlines) Admins+
- .type 1/2 (Switching between ratio based (.train) and defence per acre based (.dpa)) Admins+
- .agestart Game Time: March 1st, YR0 - Clock Time: 0 : 00 AM (Inpute the date line from above your throne page, edit the Month +/- 1 if u get 24h wrong) Admins+
- .backup (Force back up, use if you need to shut down bot) Normal+
- .activate (nick) (Activates you, with opitonal parameter nick, in the bot) All+
- .access nick #* (Changes nicks access level in the bot) Admin+
- .suspend nick (Suspends nick from bot usage) Admin+
- .reactivate nick (Gives nick back his access from before suspendtion) Admin+
- .delete nick (Fully deletes nick from bot usage, be aware that it can not be undone) Admin+
- .mergenicks mainnick alternativenick (Links all actions of alternitvenick to mainnick) Admin+
- .clearnicks nick (Clears all alternative nciks linked to nick because of nick change) Admin+
- .users (Displays all current users and their user level) Coordinators+
- users seen(Displays all current users and how long its been from last activity sorted according to their user level) Coordinators+
- .whois nick (Displays all information added about that nick, much like an addressbook) Normal+
- .upd type** inpute (Add information about you) Normal+
* = Must be one of following numbers; 1 is Normal, 2 is Coordinator, 3 is Admin
** = Information types availible; prov, race, pers, phone, birthday, location, gmt, msn, icq, aim, yahoo, skype and email
- .away (Displays away list) Normal+
- .away all (Displays all aways even inactive)Coordinators+
- .away new This is an away reason** (Adds a new away) Coordinators+
- .away #* nick celien** (Binds the away to a specified nick) Coordinators+
- .away #* from January 1st, YR0** (Makes the away not show before date) Coordinators+
- .away #* until January 1st, YR1** (Makes the away stop showing after date) Coordinators+
- .away #* fromirl 2010-01-01** (Makes the away not show before date) Coordinators+
- .away #* untilirl 2010-01-07** (Makes the away stop showing after date) Coordinators+
- .away #* copy (Copies away completly) Coordinators+
- .away #* del (Deletes away completly) Coordinators+
* = Number from .away
** = Examples in correct format
- .orders (Displays all your, based on race and personality, current, based on utopian date, orders) Normal+
- .orders all (Displays all orders)Coordinators+
- .order new This is an order** (Adds a new order) Coordinators+
- .order #* nick celien** (Binds the order to a specified race and personality setup) Coordinators+
- .order #* race Human** (Binds the order to a specified race and personality setup) Coordinators+
- .order #* pers Merchant** (Binds the order to a specified race and personality setup) Coordinators+
- .order #* from January 1st, YR0** (Makes the order not show before date) Coordinators+
- .order #* until January 1st, YR1** (Makes the order stop showing after date) Coordinators+
- .order #* race/pers/from/until - (Resets race and personality bounds) Coordinators+
- .order #* copy (Copies order completly) Coordinators+
- .order #* del (Deletes order completly) Coordinators+
* = Number from .orders
** = Examples in correct format
- .aidlist (Displaysall aid requests) Normal+
- pasting() We have sent XXX xxxxxxs to Province Name(1:1). It should arrive shortly! (substract requested aid) Normal+
- .aid type* sum** (Requests aid) Normal+
- .aid type* 0 (Resets aid request) Normal+
* = Type can be bushels, gold coins, soldiers, runes
** = Shorters like k (thousand) and m (million) are accepted 100k
- .read (Displays how many private messages you got) Normal+
- .read #* (Displays the specific private message) Normal+
- .add private nick This is a private message** (Adds a new private message) Normal+ can be added in query with bot
- .del private #* (Deletes the private messagecompletly) Normal+
* = Number from .read
** = Examples in correct format
- .leaders (Displays leaderorders) Normal+
- .leaders all (Displays all orders)Coordinators+
- .leader new This is an leader only order** (Adds a new order) Coordinators+
- .leader #* from January 1st, YR0** (Makes the order not show before date) Coordinators+
- .leader #* until January 1st, YR1** (Makes the order stop showing after date) Coordinators+
- .leader #* copy (Copies order completly) Coordinators+
- .leader #* del (Deletes order completly) Coordinators+
* = Number from .leaders
** = Examples in correct format
- pasting() The result generated by utopia after an attack (adds information about the attack to the bot) Normal+
- .army Utopian days to return* (Adds an army manaually) Normal+
- .rarmy (nick)* (Removes all inputted armies for that nick) Normal+
- .mo mod off sent number of generals sent (utopian days to return)* (updates the information about the last attack you made) Normal+
- pasting() The result generated by utopia after spell/operation is performed (adds it to the bot) Normal+
- pasting() As you requested, ruler, these are the magical auras affecting our province: followed by the lines with your active auras (adds all active self spells to the bot) Normal+
- .armies (Displays a list of all armies and their status) Normal+
- .home (Displays a list of all armies that are home) Normal+
- .home soon (2) (Displays a list of all armies that are home with in this case 2 ticks) Normal+
- .addop MS 6 Province Name(1:1)** (Adds a spell manually, in this case Meteor Shower for 6 days to Province Name (1:1)) Normal+
- .ops (List self spells) Normal+
- .ops 1:1** (List spells on target kingdom) Normal+
* = For example .mo 10k 4 11.67 would add in to bot 10.000 mod off sent using 4 generals and army returns in 11.67 utopian days
** = Example in correct format
- .set new name* (Creates New Strategy) Coordinators+
- .set #** type*** 15%**** (Edits a Strategy) Coordinators+
- .clear #** (Deletes a Strategy) Coordinators+
- .copy #** (Creates a Copy of a Strategy) Coordinators+
* = Name of the strategy is highly recommended to be in this syntax Human / Merchant if you want you can include extra info like Human / Merchant Out Of Protection
** = Number is the unique strategy number wich can be find in .strat end of first line strat #
*** = Strategy types availible; name/date/rrate/mit/sgoal/spell/wspell
sgoal=science goal should be in this format Income 2/5 Food 1/4 Crime 1/4 Channeling 1/4 to make .sci books to allocate work.
*** = Strategy types availible; off/def/dpa/tpa/wpa/wage/drate/dlevel/ratio/type
off/def=troops goal should be in this format OSpecs 1/1 DSpecs 1/2 Elites 1/2 to make .train and .dpa work.
ratio=troops goal should be in this format Off 2/3 Def 1/3 to make .train work.
dpa=defence per acre goal should be in this format 40 to work
type 1 uses troop ratio goal and .train acre maxpop while type 2 uses defence per acre goal and .dpa acres/.tpa acres
*** = Strategy types availible; barren/homes/farms/mills/banks/tgs/arms/barracks/forts/gs/hosps/guilds/towers/tds/libs/schools/stables/dungeons
**** = Example in correct format
Strategy types explanation
name = Name of the strategy see * for more details
date = Puts a use up until utopian date on the strategy. Be sure to use the utopian, January 1st, YR0, format
off = Meant to say if they should train elites or Offensive Specialist or a combination and in such case in what ratio
def = Meant to say if they should train Elites or Defensive Specialist or a combination and in such case in what ratio. .dpa availible using this format Elites 1/2 DSpecs 1/2
dpa = If type = 2, Meant to show goal defence per acres with army out. Extra feature availible if using just a number.
ratio = If type = 1, Meant to say if they should train Elites, Offensive Specialist, Defensive Specialist or Thiefs or a combination and in such case in what ratio. .train availible using this format Off 1/2 Def 1/2
tpa/wpa = Set the thieves per acre and wizard per acre goal/recuirment
wage = set desired wage
drate = set desired draft rate
dlevel = set desired draft level
rrate = set desired science reasarch rate
mit = set desired minimum income threshold, a tip is to put it this way .calc (income-wages)-(income/5)
sgoal = set desired science goals. .sci availible using this format Income 1/2 Tools 1/2
spell = Spells to be active always.
wspell = Spells to be active during war and hostilitys.
barren/homes/farms/mills/banks/tgs/arms/barracks/forts/gs/hosps/guilds/towers/tds/libs/schools/stables/dungeons = building should be followed by a procent number 20% for example