.command paramters (option alparamters) (what the command does) User lever requiered
pasting() Lines from utopia


* = Number from .strat in the end of first line strat #
** = Utopian Days/IRL hours
*** = Additional SoMs lowers numbers of possible values. SoMs are randomised by integer percentages (i.e. 120%, 90%, but never 120.402%). By comparing numbers from two or more SoMs, we can sometimes ascertain the accurate in-game value.



* = Must be one of following numbers; 1 is Normal, 2 is Coordinator, 3 is Admin
** = Information types availible; prov, race, pers, phone, birthday, location, gmt, msn, icq, aim, yahoo, skype and email


* = Number from .away
** = Examples in correct format


* = Number from .orders
** = Examples in correct format


* = Type can be bushels, gold coins, soldiers, runes
** = Shorters like k (thousand) and m (million) are accepted 100k


* = Number from .read
** = Examples in correct format


* = Number from .leaders
** = Examples in correct format


* = For example .mo 10k 4 11.67 would add in to bot 10.000 mod off sent using 4 generals and army returns in 11.67 utopian days
** = Example in correct format


* = Name of the strategy is highly recommended to be in this syntax Human / Merchant if you want you can include extra info like Human / Merchant Out Of Protection
** = Number is the unique strategy number wich can be find in .strat end of first line strat #
*** = Strategy types availible; name/date/rrate/mit/sgoal/spell/wspell
sgoal=science goal should be in this format Income 2/5 Food 1/4 Crime 1/4 Channeling 1/4 to make .sci books to allocate work.
*** = Strategy types availible; off/def/dpa/tpa/wpa/wage/drate/dlevel/ratio/type
off/def=troops goal should be in this format OSpecs 1/1 DSpecs 1/2 Elites 1/2 to make .train and .dpa work.
ratio=troops goal should be in this format Off 2/3 Def 1/3 to make .train work.
dpa=defence per acre goal should be in this format 40 to work
type 1 uses troop ratio goal and .train acre maxpop while type 2 uses defence per acre goal and .dpa acres/.tpa acres
*** = Strategy types availible; barren/homes/farms/mills/banks/tgs/arms/barracks/forts/gs/hosps/guilds/towers/tds/libs/schools/stables/dungeons
**** = Example in correct format

Strategy types explanation

name = Name of the strategy see * for more details
date = Puts a use up until utopian date on the strategy. Be sure to use the utopian, January 1st, YR0, format
off = Meant to say if they should train elites or Offensive Specialist or a combination and in such case in what ratio
def = Meant to say if they should train Elites or Defensive Specialist or a combination and in such case in what ratio. .dpa availible using this format Elites 1/2 DSpecs 1/2
dpa = If type = 2, Meant to show goal defence per acres with army out. Extra feature availible if using just a number.
ratio = If type = 1, Meant to say if they should train Elites, Offensive Specialist, Defensive Specialist or Thiefs or a combination and in such case in what ratio. .train availible using this format Off 1/2 Def 1/2
tpa/wpa = Set the thieves per acre and wizard per acre goal/recuirment
wage = set desired wage
drate = set desired draft rate
dlevel = set desired draft level
rrate = set desired science reasarch rate
mit = set desired minimum income threshold, a tip is to put it this way .calc (income-wages)-(income/5)
sgoal = set desired science goals. .sci availible using this format Income 1/2 Tools 1/2
spell = Spells to be active always.
wspell = Spells to be active during war and hostilitys.
barren/homes/farms/mills/banks/tgs/arms/barracks/forts/gs/hosps/guilds/towers/tds/libs/schools/stables/dungeons = building should be followed by a procent number 20% for example