An Overview

If you ever wish to obtain power, fame, or fortune, you must understand the basics of expanding your province and building your infrastructure. If there is one section of Utopia to understand, this is it. The Utopian world features a vibrant economic system that involves taxes, employment, building construction and more.

Economic Basics

The basics of Utopian economics are this: You construct buildings which employ people who then provide you with tax revenues. Within your Council, you have advisors who will help you keep track of much of this information, but here are some basic economic numbers:

Utopian Currency:Gold Coin (1gc or $1)
Income Per Employed Peasant:2gc per day
Jobs Created Per Building:25
Jobs For Max Efficiency:67% Filled
Prisoner Income:0.5gc per day
Prisoner Work:1/2 of a Job

Prisoners, in addition to fighting, help produce supplemental income and fill jobs as needed. Your buildings also need peasants to work in them. Without enough employees, you may find that your buildings function less efficiently. Building efficiency can be improved through science or by increasing the number of peasants throughout your lands.

Building Construction

Land alone is nice to have, but without buildings and infrastructure, it is of little use to anyone. You have a variety of buildings to choose to build and how you structure your province is up to you. Your Internal Affairs Advisor can help provide details on the benefits of building various structures, but there is no perfect or ideal balance for growth. You will find that having mass quantities of a given building decreases the effectiveness of those buildings.

There are three classes of building effects, and each functions differently. While this may be difficult to follow, you will quickly understand it with some experience within the game. The three classes are:

Capacity Buildings - These buildings simply create space for you, and are not impacted by efficiency issues. Homes, for example, provide additional space for peasants.

Flat Rate Buildings - This type of building provides a set amount of a particular resource. These buildings need many employees to be fully effective. An example is a Tower which creates a set number of runes each day.

Percentage-based Buildings - The majority of Utopian buildings are percentage-based. These buildings provide an effect based on the portion of your land covered by it. For example, having 10% of your land as Banks will increase your income by a certain percentage. Like flat-rate buildings, these also require employees to provide full effects. In addition, each additional building you construct will be less effective. The numbers listed below would be for the first building you construct. Your Internal Affairs Advisor will help you to understand the benefits of your land. Unless otherwise specified, these buildings have a maximum effect of 25 times the number listed below. With normal building efficiency, this maximum is reached by dedicating 50% of your land to that building.
The Actual Numbers
The term "%" below refers to the percentage of land you have of that kind of building. Please see the note above for details on how your land works.
Land Capacity Each built up acre of land houses 25 people; Barren lands house 15 people.
Homes Increases your maximum population by 5
Increase Birth Rates by % * 2.5
Employs no one
Farms Produces 70 Bushels Per Day
Mills Decrease Building Costs by % * 4 (Max of 99%)
Reduces exploration gold expenses by % * 3
Banks Generate $25 per day
Increase Income by % * 1
Training Grounds Increase Offensive Military Efficiency by % * 1.5
Armouries Decrease Military Training Costs by % * 2
Decrease Daily Wages by % * 1.5
Barracks Lowers Attack Time by % * 1.5
Forts Increase Defensive Military Efficiency by % * 1
Guard Stations Decrease Resource Losses when Attacked by % * 2
Hospitals % * 2 Daily Chance of Curing the Plague
Decrease Military Losses by % * 4 (99% Max)
Guilds 2% Chance of Training a Wizard Daily
Towers Produces 10 Runes Per Day
Thieves' Den Lower Losses in Thievery Operations by % * 4
Increase Thievery Effectiveness by % * 3
Watchtowers % * 2.5 Chance of Catching Enemy Thieves
% * 4 Chance of Identifying Enemy Thieves (99% Max)
Libraries Increase Science Effects by % * 1.5
Not affected by Building Efficiency
Schools Produce 4 Science Points per Day
Protect % * 3 Books from Losses
Stables Produces One Horse Per Day
(Max 50 Horses Per Stable)
Dungeons House 20 Prisoners of War